Thursday, 26 April 2012

Fwd: The Higher Education Academy's Education for Sustainable Development e-Bulletin

 - 25th March 2012

The Higher Education Academy's Education for Sustainable Development e-Bulletin

 - 25th March 2012


Twitter: @simonk_esd

For those of you like to tweet you might be interested in my ESD Twitter feed.  This is not an official HEA account. It is intended to be an ESD focused account run by me covering ESD issues across the sector, interesting retweets and useful relevant content found on twitter or elsewhere on the internet.  I will also post the bulletins and newsletters through this account.

You can follow me @simonk_esd.  I will also be posting links to ESD resources using #ESDresource.  If you have any resources you would like to share please also use this # and hopefully through us all we can build up a useful resource base.



Amsterdam Circular economy study tour for Business Schools

Monday 21st to Friday 25th May 2012

 This visit has been developed for European business school academic staff. It is designed to combine real-life experience of corporate engagement, plus the input of thought leaders and practitioners in the circular economy field. The visit aims to give business school colleagues briefings on, and experience of, circular economy ideas and business practice.

Please note there is no study tour fee--the Foundation is covering costs of the speakers/company visits/lunches --we'd need business school colleagues to cover the cost of their own travel/hotel room/and evening meals-subsistence

The Study tour invitation & brochure link can be viewed at:


 Sustainability Live

Tuesday 22nd to Thursday 24th May

NEC Birmingham

A total of 6 conference and seminar theatres will provide over 100 hours of content from 300 speakers all free of charge. Covering legislation updates, best practice, innovation and the latest industry developments.

Further details at: www.

Internationalising Higher Education in the UK: Globalising Knowledge and Skills

Thursday 14th June 2012, Central London, 08:45 - 16:00 

The international education agenda is focusing around encouraging UK students to study abroad. In order to grow the UK economy, it is essential that companies have people with linguistic ability, overseas experience and the cultural awareness necessary to conduct business abroad and attract inward investment. With this in mind, do not miss the chance to attend this topical forum and gain the opportunity to discuss and examine strategies to recruit international students in a competitive global environment. Delegates will also learn from policy makers and practitioners about funding and partnership opportunities available to work with international partners and develop global employability skills for home and international students alike.

BOOK ONLINE: OR CALL 0845 666 0664


Student Engagement

Southampton Blackout: Friday 27th April 2012

The University of Southampton will be running a  campus-wide energy audit and switch-off on the evening of Friday 27th April.  The challenge is to engage students in a key sustainability issue through turning off all non-essential equipment in office areas across the whole of the main campus that have been left on before the weekend (i.e. computers, printers, lights, mobile phone chargers). Afterwards, we will compare energy usage during the 'blackout' with energy use on a comparable weekend.  This will show us the carbon and financial savings that can be achieved through simple behaviour change.

This is a large event involving 220 student and 50 staff volunteers.  In addition to the carbon management data and identification of areas for future intervention work, this is a great opportunity for students to develop valuable professional energy auditing skills, contribute to the sustainability management of the University, and increase understanding of sustainability issues. This high-profile event is also proving to be an excellent vehicle for raising awareness of sustainability across the University community.

The event will start at 19:00 on Friday 27th April, last approximately 3 hours, and can be followed on #sotonblackout. If colleagues would like to know the outcomes of this event, and just how long and painful it has been for us to organise, please contact me at: to discuss this through my other 0.5 post.

Apologies for the shameless self-promotion of our work at the University of Southampton!



Contributions to  the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development

Edited by Walter Leal Filho, Fernando Goncalves, Ruth Pereira, Ulisses Azeiteiro

Volume 33, "Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability Series"

Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, Frankfurt, January 2012, ISBN 9783631613474, 432 pp., Euro 54,00.

This book, which is Volume 33 of the world´s longest running book series  on education and sustainable development, presents essential learning approaches which will be useful in the Rio+20 process. The book introduces educational and training activities, as well as various innovative methods aiming at the development of practical skills, in order to strengthen the continuous process of environmental education, and in particular education for sustainable development (ESD). In doing so, it focuses on three dimensions (social, economic and environmental) as a means of achieving an effective change of behaviour and tries to bridge the gap between science and environmental education by describing a set of projects, initiatives and field activities.

A special emphasis is put on teacher training programmes, conception, and implementation, highlighting the problems and barriers, which prevent development as far as integration of sustainability issues in higher education is concerned.


Call for papers: International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development

Special Issue On: Smart, Sustainable and Just: Higher Education and the Remaking of the Right to the City

Guest Editors

Dr. John Blewitt  Tel: 0121 204 4284 (Aston Business School, Aston University, UK)
Dr. Nick Theodorakopoulos (Aston Business School, Aston University, UK)

Taking a cue from the Geographer Henri Lefebvre, David Harvey and Peter Marcuse's work on 'the right to the city', the objective of this SI will focus on how higher education practice can cross disciplinary, professional, spatial and technological boundaries in order to make connections in a holistic manner; and, in so doing help remake the right to the city in the 21st century along technologically smart, ecologically sustainable, socially just and democratic lines.

Submission Due Date: 10 December, 2012

For more information please go to:   or contact the lead editor, John Blewitt.


The Economics Network Student Challenge

The Economics Network is currently running a student competition. We are asking students to answer the following question: "How would you use economics to solve one of these issues: poverty; climate change; or structural unemployment?" Students can submit their entry in different formats (such as essay, poem, song) the more creative the better (last year's winning entry was in the form of a rap).


The Rio+20 Declaration of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) 

As you may know, the EAUC has endorsed The Rio+20 Declaration of Higher Education Institutions (HEI). There is also an opportunity for individual Universities to sign up and demonstrate good practice. Many Universities across the world have already done so, but in the UK so far only Anglia Ruskin is leading the way. (Work is in progress at the University of Exeter). The organisers are hoping to collate more than a thousand commitments before the Earth Summit in June.

For those of you who are involved with the HE Treaty for Rio, this 'Declaration' is different as it is capturing commitments of individual institutions and organisations whilst the Treaty will address what we think we should do as the sector.

Please have a look at the website: It also makes interesting reading what is happening at Universities across the globe. 

If you have any content you would like to include in either the weekly bulletin or bi-monthly newsletter, please email me at:  Also, please get in touch to discuss existing ESD work, ideas for projects, request for contacts, or anything else in the rich and varied work of ESD in HE.

Best wishes,


Simon Kemp

Academic Lead, Education for Sustainable Development

 T +44 (0)7725257549        Twitter: @simonk_esd

The Higher Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5BR – Twitter@HEAcademy


--   David Andrew,   Head of Academic Practice  Senior Tutor         The Learning Institute   Queen Mary, University of London  Mile End, London E1 4NS      02078822803  02081446753     Book an appointment with me at

Monday, 23 April 2012

Fwd: Nature and the natural in the humanities: Teaching for environmental sustainability, 27th April 2012, Birmingham

Dear Colleagues

We still have some places left for this HEA supported workshop on Friday. Please could you send it out to your contacts?

Best wishes

Nature and the natural in the humanities: Teaching for environmental sustainability
Register online at
Date: 27 April, 2012
Location: Arts 201, Arts Building (R16 on map), University of Birmingham
Event type: Workshop

This event is free of charge as it is being supported by the Higher Education Academy.
Please note that there is a cancellation fee of £50 if you do not notify us by Monday 16 April 2012 that you are unable to attend.
Lunch will be provided

Time Session
10.00 - 10.30 Registration and coffee
10.30 - 10.45 Welcome and housekeeping
10.45 - 11.45 Nature, Culture and 'Sense of Place' : Environmental stewardship of a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the total curriculum
Peter Vujakovic, Canterbury Christ Church University

Sacred Natural Sites and the Spiritual Power of Place
Alun Morgan, University of Exeter
11.45 - 12.45 Ecopedagogy, Enchantment and Consillience : "The raw materials for a new kind of nature literature"
Adrian Rainbow, University of Zürich

'What are these roots that clutch?' Extending Environmental Thought to Urban Landscapes Through T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land
Elizabeth Harris
12.45 - 13.45 Lunch
13.45 - 14.45 A discourse approach to ecological education in the humanities
Arran Stibbe, University of Gloucestershire

Ecological Philosophy and Transitioning to a Post-Peak (Post-) Humanities
Paul Reid-Bowen, Bath Spa University

14.45 - 15.15 Normalising Catastrophe : the Unsustainability imperative
Andrew Stables, University of Bath

Global Environmental Change and the human condition
Bertrand Guillaume, Université de technologie de Troyes

15.15 - 16.00 Plenary discussion
16.00 Close

Dr John Canning
Senior Academic Coordinator

LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
University of Southampton | Avenue Campus | Southampton | SO17 1BJ
+44 (0) 23 80597526 | @johngcanning |

Follow LLAS on Twitter!

To receive our monthly e-bulletin, please register at:

David Andrew,
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End, London E1 4NS


Book an appointment with me at

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Fwd: The Rio+20 Declaration of Higher Education Institutions (HEI)

The Rio+20 Declaration of Higher Education Institutions (HEI)

Dear colleagues,

As you may know, the EAUC has endorsed The Rio+20 Declaration of Higher Education Institutions (HEI). There is also an opportunity for individual Universities to sign up and demonstrate good practice. Many Universities across the world have already done so, but in the UK so far only Anglia Ruskin is leading the way. (Work is in progress at the University of Exeter). The organisers are hoping to collate more than a thousand commitments before the Earth Summit in June.

For those of you who are involved with the HE Treaty for Rio, this 'Declaration' is different as it is capturing commitments of individual institutions and organisations whilst the Treaty will address what we think we should do as the sector.

Please have a look at the website: It also makes interesting reading what is happening at Universities across the globe.

Best wishes, Harriet

Harriet Sjerps-Jones
Sustainability Curriculum Development Manager
University of Exeter
01392 726133

 Sustainability research and curriculum initiatives at the University of Exeter