Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Fwd: Re: Your response needed!!

Dear Colleagues,

Re: ESD and National QAA Policy

Quick email to alert you to the release of the new Learning and Teaching
Chapter of the revised UK Quality Code for Higher Education. This will be
accessible from QAA's website as from tomorrow for an eight week consultation
period. The document makes reference to ESD and other cross-cutting education
themes for the first time. Although this is a modest reference within a
section of the Chapter it is a highly significant development.

The new UK Quality Code is a revision of the previous academic infrastructure
that guides institutional teaching and learning policy as well as programme
level curriculum development. For the first time, the Code has a learning
and teaching chapter which includes cross-cutting themes. The QAA will be
watching with interest to gauge the sector response to the inclusion of this
term. It is likely that some sector voices will object, in principle, to the
inclusion of specific education themes.

It is therefore important to take time to articulate the need and value of
ESD becoming part of the sector level educational discourse and to
communicate that this can make a difference to the student experience. We
appreciate it is a very busy time of the year, but ask Shed-Share members to
take time to respond to window of opportunity.

As you may be aware, colleagues engaged in the HEFCE LGM project on ESD and
Quality have been engaged in dialogue behind the scenes to prepare the
ground for this. Other actions are beginning to take shape and strong support
for ESD inclusion in the UK Code will help maintain momentum. We will be
discussing these developments at our forthcoming conference.

Thanks for taking time to support this important development.

all best

Daniella and Alex

HEFCE LGM Project 'Leading Curriculum Change for Sustainability: Strategic
Approaches to Quality Enhancement'

Conference weblink:

'In the top three in the People and Planet green league table; committed to sustainability'

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Fwd: Call for contributions by 5th June - 'Ways of Knowing: educating for sustainability'

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for contributions by 5th June - 'Ways of Knowing: educating for sustainability'
Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 15:03:36 +0100
From: liane fredericks <lianefredericks@GMAIL.COM>

June 15th Conference
'Ways of Knowing'/Natural Learning and Environments

We hope you will be interested in attending our second conference and welcome your contributions.  

Very best wishes, Jennifer

Dr Jennifer Patterson
Senior Lecturer, Principal Investigator, Natural Learning and Environments 
University of Greenwich 
School of Education 
Mansion Site, Avery Hill, Bexley Road
Eltham, London, SE9 2PQ

Tel: 0208 331 8344 (Direct Line)

University of Greenwich, a charity and company limited by guarantee,
registered in England (reg. no. 986729). Registered office:
Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9LS


David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

My profiles: Twitter Google Plus
Contact me: Skype david.andrew52

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

HEA STEM: Education for Sustainable Development: Teaching Frameworks & Cross Disciplinary Lessons

HEA STEM: Education for Sustainable Development: Teaching Frameworks & Cross Disciplinary Lessons: "HEA STEM: Education for Sustainable Development: Teaching Frameworks & Cross Disciplinary Lessons
Date: 11 Jun 2012
Start Time: 09:00 am
Location/venue: Plymouth University"

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Friday, 11 May 2012

Fwd: The Higher Education Academy’s Education for Sustainable Development e-Newsletter

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: The Higher Education Academy's Education for Sustainable Development e-Newsletter
Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:12:11 +0000
From: Simon Kemp <Simon.Kemp@HEACADEMY.AC.UK>
Reply-To: Simon Kemp <Simon.Kemp@HEACADEMY.AC.UK>

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The Higher Education Academy's Education for Sustainable Development e-Newsletter

Volume 5, Issue 4

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Education for sustainable development (ESD) is one of the HEA's key themes of work. We help institutions and subject communities develop curricula and pedagogy that will give students the skills and knowledge to live and work sustainably. Through our Discipline Leads we work with all discipline groups on a wide range of ESD-related projects.

This is an exciting, but critical time for ESD. We are rapidly approaching the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20) and while not a focus, ESD is inherent in the 'greening the economy' theme and underpins all areas of activity around the event.

The HEA is involved in work for Rio through supporting sector individuals, strategic partners, and contributing to the World Symposium on Sustainable Development in Universities. We have also recently run a policy 'think tank' on the green economy and graduate attributes. See our news story for full details. We are keen to assist colleagues in their preparations for Rio, so if there is any way we can contribute or help with your work please do contact us.

As you may be aware from previous bulletins and the last newsletter this is a period of change for ESD in the HEA. Many thanks to Heather Luna, so long the driving force for our ESD work, and also to Stephen Sterling and Simon Smith for their considerable efforts in advancing ESD in the HEA and across higher education.

Simon Kemp

Academic Lead, Education for Sustainable Development.




HEA Policy Think Tank on Graduate Attributes and the Green Economy

On 23 and 24 February 2012 we held our first Policy "think tank" to investigate how the HE sector can contribute to 'greening the economy', and how graduate attributes can link into this agenda. The think tank was a stimulating event packed with illuminating discussions, innovative ideas, and valuable contributions from inspirational speakers and delegates from across HE, student bodies, and industry. The outcomes of the event and consultation process will be shared with the rest of the ESD community in due course.

The circular economy and higher education

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation commissioned the HEA to develop, organise and facilitate three workshops for the HE sector around the concept of the circular economy. The latest one took place in London on 20 January 2012 and focused on the design and engineering curriculum.

Sustainability showcases

In each future bi-monthly newsletter we aim to showcase the ESD work of a different higher education institution, preferably those who might not be at the forefront of the ESD world, but deserve to have their work disseminated wider. There are many wonderful examples of sustainability in the curriculum, across curricula and research, and whole institutional change that we can all learn from. Please contact me ( if you would like to showcase your work and/or request collaboration and help with colleagues across the community.



Publications, resources and funding

The future-fit framework (.pdf 1MB)

This new HEA publication, by Professor Stephen Sterling from the Centre for Sustainable Futures, Plymouth, provides readers with a practical introductory guide to learning and teaching for sustainability. While this resource is primarily for academics (including curriculum and educational developers and practitioners), policy makers, senior managers and support staff who want to know more about ESD will also find it helpful.

Education for sustainable development and holistic curriculum change: A review and guide (.pdf 1MB)

This comprehensive investigative publication, by Dr Alex Ryan, Associate Director of Sustainability at the University of Gloucestershire, is based on an international review and three UK case studies of work towards curriculum change in this area. The guide is aimed at educators and managers in HE institutions seeking to improve teaching and learning institution-wide in line with education for sustainable development.

Forthcoming ESD reports

We will soon be releasing the second report of our student attitudes to sustainability research work with the National Union of Students. The first report can be read here. Other upcoming ESD publications include an evaluation report for the first phase of Green Academy, and the findings from the Policy think tank on greening the economy and graduate attributes.



Green Academy +: Sustainability in practice conference, 24 May 2012, University of Nottingham

This joint invite-only event, run by The University of Nottingham Grand Challenge Group on Education for Sustainable Development and the HEA will explore sustainability in the context of the practitioner. Participants will be able to consider and discuss how sustainability 'values' can be or are incorporated into teaching and learning.

Annual national greening the FE & HE sectors conference and exhibition: Promoting environmental, economic and social sustainability, 30 May 2012, London.

This event will examine the FE and HE sectors' progress towards sustainable development, and detail latest policy information, guidance, best practice and technologies to aid in the delivery process and realisation of the government targets for carbon emission reductions.

Professor Craig Mahoney, Chief Executive of the HEA, will be speaking at this event.

To book your place please email quoting ref HEA6.

Changing lives, changing society conference, 28 June 2012, University of the West of England

This event will bring together professionals, policy makers and academics to grapple with the challenge of a widespread transition to healthy and sustainable behavioural patterns. It will examine the 'big picture' of behavioural change, acknowledging and assessing different perspectives and approaches through expert presentations, innovative workshops and an interactive panel and audience debate.

Quality assurance, enhancement and ESD: Creating a framework for dialogue conference, 2 July 2012, Aston University

This national conference will bring together findings and insights emerging from the HEFCE-funded project Leading Curriculum Change for Sustainability: Strategic Approaches to Quality Enhancement, drawing on the experiences of the pilot institutions as well as the dialogue and perspectives emerging with sector stakeholders.





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David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

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Contact me: david.andrew52
Latest tweet: new blog post Fwd: HEA/University of Lincoln Workshop: Enquiry Based Learning in STEM subjects: 11th June 12-4
Latest tweet: A few places still available for seminar on assessment with Prof Sue Bloxham - 16th April. Go to for details & to book

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Fwd: The Higher Education Academy's Education for Sustainable Development e-Bulletin

 - 2nd May 2012

The Higher Education Academy's Education for Sustainable Development e-Bulletin

 - 2nd May 2012


HEFCE Project Conference: Quality Assurance, Enhancement and ESD: Creating a Framework for Dialogue 

Monday 2nd July 2012, Aston University, UK

This national conference seeks to create a framework for dialogue, between those involved in ESD seeking to develop more strategic enhancement approaches, and those working in quality assurance and enhancement to bring contemporary educational agendas into those systems. This is a new area of educational practice and it creates a unique dialogue between two worlds that rarely coincide.

Please join us in July for this innovative event, which aims to raise the stakes in discussion of contemporary innovation in academic strategies and quality frameworks.

The conference is informed by an LGM HEFCE-funded project: Leading Curriculum Change for Sustainability: Strategic Approaches to Quality Enhancement which began in October 2010 and is due to complete in September 2012. The project was forged in recognition of the need for strategic work to scale up efforts on education for sustainable development (ESD) through the quality assurance and enhancement systems of HE.

The conference will bring together findings and insights emerging from the project, drawing on the experiences of the pilot institutions as well as the dialogue and perspectives emerging with sector stakeholders. The event will involve keynote speakers, plenary discussions and interactive workshops, including perspective-taking from students and a range of HE stakeholders. Anthony McClaran, CEO of the Quality Assurance Agency and Chair of the project's Expert Advisory Board, will provide the headline presentation.


Environment, Sustainability and Education

Function – Form – Future

Thursday 5th and Friday 6th July 2012, Marwell Wildlife Conference Centre 

This conference, arranged by the Committee of Heads of Environmental Sciences (CHES) in association with the Higher Education Academy (HEA), will explore the issues of if, why, how and when education provides what we need to know regarding our environment and our understanding of the broader issues of working and living sustainably. The main focus will be on higher education, but placed within a more general context via perspectives from the wider environment sector (e.g. employers and professional bodies), along with pre-university educators. The intention is to take an open and pragmatic and view of the needs for education for environment and sustainability, with opportunities for delegates to participate through discussions, workshops and plenary sessions.

Specifically, the conference will address:

Function        What are seen as the motivations for education in environment and sustainability?

Form              How do we best ensure that students have the necessary skills and attributes?

Future            What challenges lay ahead and how might we meet them?

Contributors at the conference will include: undergraduate students, recent graduates, educators from non-university institutions, universities, environmental professional bodies, the Higher Education Academy, and the broader environment sector. The conference will be take place at the Marwell Wildlife conference centre and run from lunchtime on the 5th July to lunchtime on the 6th. The conference meal will be held at Wickham Vineyard, preceded by a tour of the vineyard and wine tasting.

The cost will be either £250 per residential delegate (all events, accommodation, all refreshments, lunches and conference dinner) or £135 for delegates not requiring accommodation. An "early bird" discount of 20% is available to delegates registering for the conference on or before Friday 11th of May.

Please contact the CHES office if you are interested in attending:

CHES Information Officer
c/o The Institution of Environmental Sciences
34 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0DH

phone: 020 7730 5516

2nd Annual National Greening the FE & HE Sectors Conference and Exhibition: Promoting Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability

Wednesday 30th May 2012, The Brewery, London. EC1Y 4SD

The Government has announced its top priority as growth, reinforcing its 'Greenest ever Government' commitment, and pledging to focus on sustainable growth that is both balanced and shared.  Key to reaffirming the requirement for sustainable growth was the realisation of the important role education plays in recovery. In November 2010, The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills published the 'Skills for Sustainable Growth' Strategy Document, which demonstrated that skills are vital to our future, and that improving skills is essential to building stronger communities.

In light of the Sustainable Growth Agenda, the Further and Higher Education Sectors have been placed in the unique position of playing a leading role in the development of change, embedding sustainability within the heart of education and implementing the sustainable skills required for the transition to a low carbon economy.

Greening the FE & HE Sectors: Promoting Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability will examine the direction in which Further and Higher Education Institutions must proceed in order to provide state of the art facilities that not only reduce environmental impacts but deliver the requirements of sustainable economic growth.

 For more information

 To book your place please email 


Planet Under Pressure

Planet Under Pressure 2012 was the largest gathering of global change scientists leading up to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) with a total of 3,018 delegates at the conference venue and over 3,500 that attended virtually via live webstreaming. The Plenary sessions and the Daily Planet news show continue to draw audiences world wide as they are available On Demand.

An additional number of organisations, including 150 Science and Technology Centres worldwide streamed the plenary sessions live at Planet Under Pressure-related events reaching an additional 12,000 viewers.

If you have any content you would like to include in either the weekly bulletin or bi-monthly newsletter, please email me at:  Also, please get in touch to discuss existing ESD work, ideas for projects, request for contacts, or anything else in the rich and varied work of ESD in HE.


Best wishes,


Simon Kemp

Academic Lead, Education for Sustainable Development

T +44 (0)7725257549        Twitter: @simonk_esd

The Higher Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5BR – Twitter@HEAcademy




David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

My profiles:
Latest tweet: new blog post Fwd: Judging Quality in Disciplinary Writing
Latest tweet: A few places still available for seminar on assessment with Prof Sue Bloxham - 16th April. Go to for details & to book

The Issues and Methodologies in Sustainability Assessment Tools for Higher Education Institutions

The Issues and Methodologies in Sustainability Assessment Tools for Higher Education Institutions: "The Issues and Methodologies in Sustainability Assessment Tools for Higher Education Institutions
A Review of Recent Trends and Future Challenges"

  1. Masaru Yarime
  2. Yuko Tanaka
  1. Masaru Yarime and Yuko Tanaka are in the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science (GPSS) at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo. Email:


Assessment tools influence incentives to higher education institutions by encouraging them to move towards sustainability. A review of 16 sustainability assessment tools was conducted to examine the recent trends in the issues and methodologies addressed in assessment tools quantitatively and qualitatively. The characteristics of the current approaches as well as problems and obstacles are identified, and implications and suggestions offered for improvements. The sustainability assessment tools reviewed focus mainly on the environmental impacts of university operation and issues related to governance. Aspects of education, research and outreach activities are not well addressed by these tools. As activities for sustainability at higher education institutions increasingly involve inter-/trans-disciplinary cooperation and close collaboration with diverse stakeholders in society, it will be of critical importance to develop and implement concepts and methodologies for conducting comprehensive, long-term and integrated assessment of research, education and outreach on sustainability at higher education institutions.

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