The Higher Education Academy's Education for Sustainable Development Bulletin – 26th Movember 2012
Final Call: Green Academy – deadline tomorrow (Tuesday 27th November at 17:00)
The HEA is inviting institutional teams to submit proposals to join the Green Academy change programme for 2012-13. Building on the highly successful first Green Academy change programme and drawing on a range of evidence and sector-leading expertise, this new Green Academy programme will support change at an institutional level, enabling HEIs to embed sustainable development in the overall student experience in more strategic and holistic ways.
Further information and details of how to apply can be found on the HEA website at:
If you have any last minute queries about the new Green Academy programme, please contact
Forthcoming ESD Events
Embedding sustainability into the undergraduate law curriculum
Date: Tuesday 11th December 2012
Start Time: 10:00 am
Location/venue: Nottingham Law School Nottingham Trent University Burton Street Nottingham , England, NG1 4BH
The short individual presentations on the subject specific, sustainability-related issues will be led by academic colleagues from Nottingham Law School but the delegates will be encouraged to share ideas during the day to encourage best practice and cross-institutional germination of ideas. Some delegates may be from HEIs who have risen to the sustainability challenge, others may be taking first steps. The event is designed to be supportive, iterative and collegiate.
Design for Sustainability Educators Network:
What is the role of fashion education?
Tuesday 7 December, 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Room 105 London College of Fashion, 20 John Princes Street, London W1G 0BJ
Dilys Williams, Dr Kate Fletcher and invited guests will be analysing the role of universities in nurturing individuals for a future fashion industry. What should we be teaching fashion students and how? How important is a student's wellbeing in their university career? Is it the university's role to consider this? Are fashion students leaving university with the right skills and attributes? What will fashion education look like in the future? What pressures are universities subject to?
Final Call: Higher Level Skills for the Green Economy – free one day workshop with Anglia Ruskin University and the Higher Education Academy
Tuesday 27th November 2012; Homerton College, Cambridge
Bookings are free and open at: (please ignore the original date listed in this url link, the date is 27th November 2012)
Final Call: Developing Graduate Attributes through the Sustainability Agenda and Problem-Based Learning
Friday 30th November 2012, 10am – 4 pm; Keele University
Further details about the workshop, a programme for the day and the workshop booking form can be found at:
If you are interested in attending then please complete a booking form and return to Sophie Bessant (Sustainability Project Officer):
Conference Call: 17th EAUC Annual Conference
17 – 19 April 2013, The University of Nottingham
The EAUC need to ensure that they deliver an all-round programme which is suitable for delegates – whichever sustainability journey they are on – be that "starting out" (new to the topic), "on the road" (some experience but looking for more advanced options) or "more advanced" (competent but looking for new approaches). EAUC Members and partners are key to providing these sessions/workshops to share their own knowledge with others and to spark discussion and debate. This is your opportunity to help carve out the content of the 2013 Conference by suggesting these potential sessions.
It's now your chance to inspire others and play a real part in helping the sector advance their knowledge and skills. If your session proposal is selected by the EAUC panel, you'll receive 10% off your delegate package plus the knowledge that you've helped others achieve excellence. Submit your proposal by 30 November.
> Download the session proposal form
Call for Papers
16th Conference of the European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) and the 7th Conference of the Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities (EMSU) series
June 4 to 7, 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey
To face the present and future challenges, HEIs have an imperative to become effective 'societal sustainability' change agents, hence faculty, students and staff must increasingly work collaboratively to advance and provide the supportive context for the development and nurturing of new ideas, by working with the following issues:
b. Helping make the transition to 'sustainable societal patterns', as indicated in their declarations, charters, partnerships and conferences; and
c. Empowering university leaders, students and staffs to catalyze and implement new paradigms, to help to ensure that SD is integrated systematically as the 'Golden Thread' throughout the entire university system.
Format and Procedures for Submission of Papers
Extended abstracts of 400-500 words are invited in response to this Call for Papers. The abstracts must be prepared in English.
Please submit your abstracts on by November 30, 2012.
By December 15, 2012, after scientific review of the abstracts, the authors of the selected abstracts will be invited to develop and to submit full papers by March 15, 2013.
All submissions should be developed based upon the editorial guidelines provided in the instructions for authors for "Journal of Cleaner Production", which can be accessed from the website: 30440/authorinstructions
Call for Proposals STLHE 2013
The upcoming STLHE Conference focuses on Sustainability. The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education invites proposals for their 33rd annual conference, Sustainability: Learning to Live, Learning for Life.
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada,
For more information visit the conference website Additional
information will be added to the website in the coming days. The deadline for proposals is Saturday 15 December 2012 at 23:59 AST.
2012-13 marked the beginning of significant changes to the higher education landscape, raising concerns about the future of access and equality within the HE sector and heightening existing fears about stagnating social mobility. This two-day conference is an opportunity to:
· Explore how widening-access partnerships and collaboration can be adapted to a more competitive environment and whether new approaches and delivery models are required across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
· Extend our understanding of the contribution of higher-education providers to improving the retention, attainment and progression of students especially those from lower socio-economic groups, disabled or black and minority ethnic backgrounds in all discipline areas.
· Review how more equitable access to employment, graduate careers and the professions can be achieved through higher-education pathways, including apprenticeships, study abroad and postgraduate study.
· Consider the role of students in enhancing the quality and outcomes of the higher education experience for students from under-represented and disadvantaged groups.
· Examine the actual and projected impacts of changes to the funding of higher education on access, retention, attainment and progression for students from under-represented and disadvantaged groups.
· Review the needs of part-time students in the current context, including support systems and pedagogy for flexible learning.
The conference includes an exciting array of keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops, papers and posters designed to inform scholarly debate and provide practical ways forward. Building on the idea of a citizen jury the conference is convening a student jury to provide a student perspective and to listen to the evidence and make suggestions about improving the contribution of HE to upward social mobility for students from underrepresented groups and disadvantaged groups.
The deadline for proposals (papers, workshops and posters) is 12 noon, Friday 30 November 2012.
We hope that you will consider attending, participating and joining the debate.
Call for Presenters at 7th Annual Biomimicry Education Summit, Boston
Have you piloted a novel approach to biomimicry education in your classroom? Have your students completed a remarkable project? Do you have a burning question you want to explore in a panel, or a workshop you'd love to offer your colleagues? If so, please consider sharing your wisdom with fellow educators in Boston next June 21-23.
Proposals will be accepted in four categories: paper presentations, panels, workshops, and posters. Those with accepted proposals will receive discounted Summit registration. Submit your proposal online by January 7, 2013.
Finally, I've been cultivating a hairy upper-lip and naked chin through this month for Movember. If anyone wishes to make a donation, however big or small, please go to: All donations will be very gratefully received and go to a very good cause.
Apologies for the formatting. No matter what I seem to do with this jiscmail browser these days (unless you are reading this on an apple device apparently) it just destroys the formatting!
If you have any content you would like to include in either the bulletin or newsletter, please email me at:
Also, please get in touch if you would like to share opinions about Movember, HE development post Rio+20, the green economy and universities, student engagement, discuss other ESD work, ideas for projects, request for contacts, or anything else in our ever-growing world of ESD in Tertiary Education.
Best wishes,
Simon Kemp, Academic Lead, Education for Sustainable Development
T +44 (0)7725257549 Twitter: @skemp_esd
The Higher Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5BR – Twitter@HEAcademy
David Andrew,
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor
The Learning Institute
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End, London E1 4NS
Book an appointment with me at