-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | SRHE:'Higher Education as if the World Mattered' |
Date: | Tue, 19 Mar 2013 14:34:48 +0000 |
From: | Francois Smit <fsmit@srhe.ac.uk> |
‘Higher Education as if the World Mattered’
Paterson’s Land, Moray House School of Education, Holyrood Road, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ.
Thursday 25th and Friday 26th April 2013
organised by
The Higher Education Research Group
(Institute for Education, Community and Society, The University of Edinburgh)
in partnership with
The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
Higher education matters in this world. Indeed, it matters more than ever before in its long history. In the so-called ‘knowledge economy’ and ‘knowledge society’ higher education is high on every government’s agenda.
This conference will seek to explore social justice in and through higher education by examining recent policies and practices in relation to six broad strands of higher education: Research and knowledge mobilisation; Curriculum; Pedagogy; Access and participation; Institutional leadership; Quality and educational development.
Over the two days paper presenters and keynote speakers will seek to analyse the assumptions underpinning policy and practice, arrive at judgements about the extent to which the world is seen to matter and offer suggestions on how things could be different from how they are. Running across these six strands are concerns related to internationalisation, funding, and lifelong learning.
Keynote Speakers
Professor Melanie Walker, Free State University, SA
Professor Monica McLean, University of Nottingham, UK
Professor Jon Nixon, Senior Research Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIE), and Honorary Professor, University of Sheffield, UK
Professor Ray Land, Durham University, UK
Conference Registration
To book a place please visit http://www.srhe.ac.uk/events/details.asp?eid=77
The fees (£140) include all refreshments during the day on both days (excluding dinner) and the conference programme.
Yours sincerely
Francois Smit
SRHE Event Manager
Society for Research into Higher Education
73 Collier Street
London N1 9BE
Telephone 0207 427 2350
Fax number 0207 278 1135
David Andrew,
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor
The Learning Institute
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End, London E1 4NS
Book an appointment with me at http://doodle.com/DavidAndrew